This is the tenth episode of Super Silly Stories with Bo.
The Calamitous Creature of Dr. Clive[]
Before the story, Bo tried to scare the kids in a ghost sheet, but the kids weren't here yet. Until, one kid scared her off by saying "Boo!". Some of the kids say that they will be a vampire for Halloween. Bo said that she was gonna be a goblin for Halloween. Soon, Bo did the story called The Calamitous Creature of Dr. Clive (The word "calamitous" was all blue and shock-like). In this story, with help from the kids, the doctor named Dr. Clive made an 8 ft long sandwich, which was actually a submarine sandwich. When it came alive, the doctor tried stopping it with an egg beater, and trapping it in a dryer. Somehow, the creature escaped the castle and started scaring the people down. Only problem was that the sandwich was lonely, so he needed a loving chocolate shake. Dr. Clive used ingredients and put them inside a pelican to mix everything up. In the end, the creature wasn't lonely anymore with the shake and lots of other creatures celebrated the creature's wedding.
Characters in the Story[]
- Dr. Clive
- The townspeople
- Sandwich Creature
- Chocolate Shake Creature
Ending Scene[]
The story that Bo was gonna read was the quirky classic, James and the Giant Peach, but instead the kids called it James and the Giant Sandwich.
Bo's Reaction[]
I think I've created a monster.
- This story was related to the novel Frankenstein.
- Second time that a silly part in the story did the same thing with the ending scene. First was from the pirate story.
- The vampire in the story looked a bit like Dracula, which it was, and was from the princess story.
- Sixth ending scene that had a fairytale in it. First was from the wishing story (Snow-Boarding), second was from the bike story (Jack and the Beatboxer), third was from the weather story (Alice's Adventures in Thailand), third was from the pirate story (Sleeping Beauty Explodes), and fourth was from the knight story (Little Red Riding Mower).
- Sixth episode that the title had "the" in it. First was from the pizza story, second was from the wishing story, third was from the princess story, fourth was from the weather story, and fifth was from the knight story.
- First monster related story in the show.