This is the twenty-first episode of Super Silly Stories with Bo.
Lollipop Mountain[]
Before Bo started her story, she was doing her very own video game play. She even ask the kids if any of them are video game lovers. Her story is based on a video game which is called Lollipop Mountain (There was a lollipop and rainbow between the word "lollipop"). She and the kids even have to wait for it to install the update and then it was ready. In this story, there was a video game unicorn named Fluff. Fluff drinks from a magical strawberry fountain and she leaps into a lollipop racetrack. She even likes racing in cars and even past some StoryBots in racing cars too. She would fire a zebra to one of the drivers and would past a giant rock monster. Fluff would also wear a very colorful tunic to stop this wicked beast. She would attacked the giant rock monster with some bombs, like a lot. She would even protect herself with a special castle that wouldn't let dragons allow, until now. The dragons would make a lot of mess in the different halls of Fluff's castle that was guarded by the rock monster. Not even a stronger door would avoid the dragons. Then, just after Fluff feeds them and the dragons kept saying "More!", he would attacked them all with weapons. In the end, Fluff reaches to the top of Lollipop Mountain and everyone celebrates with her by skateboarding in a skateboard park.
Characters in the Story[]
- Fluff
- The race car drivers
- The Giant Rock Monster
- The dragons
Ending Scene[]
The story that Bo will read was gonna be Jules Vernon's classic adventure Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, but instead the kids called it Twenty Thousand Pigs Under the Sea.
Bo's Reaction[]
Oh, that's just hogwash.
- Second story with a unicorn in it. First was from the unicorn story.
- Hap from the pet story, Boop, Hub and Bub from the mystery story, and Sir Foolhardy make their appearance in this story.
- There was a basketball dragon that looked exactly like the one from the knight story.
- Thirteenth time that the ending scene had a novel in it. First was from the pizza story (War and Geese), second was from the princess story (Frankfurter), third was from the stray pet story (The Catcher in the Rhinoceros), fourth was from the unicorn story (The Call of the Telephone), fifth was from the fairytale story (Goat Expectations), sixth was from the space story (The Wonderful Wizard of Sauce), seventh was from the superhero story (Pride and Predators), eighth was from the mystery story (A Wrinkle in Crime), ninth was from the musical story (The Phantom of the Opticians), tenth was from the Japanese monster story (The Lion, The Witch, and the Warty Feet), eleventh was from the garden story (The Picture of Dorian Gravy), and twelfth was from the pet story (Little House on the Market).