This is a song from Elements.
Croak croak croak, credeep, credeep
We bumble and ribbit, we warble and cheep
Which of us croak? It's a curious tale
In most of our species, it's only the males
By croaking, we hope to attract a mate
Credeep, would you like to go out on a date?
I've chosen my guy for the sweet way he talks
Credeep, credeep, crow-oks, co-oks
(Same to you, sweetie.)
In case an intruder comes nosing around
We may ward 'em off with a threatening sound
Ribbity-crack, hey, this isn't your place
Get back, you're invading my space
(Sorry, my bad.)
But mostly, we're just lovey-dovey frogs
Surrounding our ponds and marshes and bogs
Hoping our croaking will bring us a chance
To light up the spark of a froggy romance
Croak croak croak, cribbity-scribbit
Croak croak croak (Shh, you had me at "ribbit")